Hi, My name is Wenzhi Li, I am a senior web developer with 10 years experience in IT consulting industry in China and 2 years fullstack dev experience in Canada.
I help my clients or my development team to make the right decision in technical stack choice, drafting milestones, setting up project infrastructure, as well as guiding team members on the new track.
So, if you want to upgrade your digital brand or to land your idea, let’s talk for details.
ResumeMinimal Python Playground for coding beginner. Tech stack: ReactJS|PrimeReact|Zustand|Phaser
Python/Love2d/Godot online training website. Tech stack: ReactJS|Reflex.js|Gatsbyjs
Another Reflexjs(https://reflexjs.org/) based website combined some of its theme packages with some of customization works including theme.js and reactjs components
A Reflex theme based Gatsby site generator. Tech stack: ReactJS|Express.js|Nodejs and Shell scripts, no database dependency.
Reflexjs(https://reflexjs.org/) is awesome, I really like it cause it includes rich and elegant building blocks like themes/plugins/components to kickstart Gatsby website. By introcduction of MDX/Block system, it greatly lower the threshold to develop gatsby website and reduce the time to compose a purpose specific web pages. My goals in this studio is to provide a more intuitive UI tool that facilitates the usage and the creation of Reflex themes further.
Using AI/tensorflow coco-ssd model to identify video stream, SSR help fishery workers to classify the lobster grade easily, and greatly improved the proficiency.
Tech stack: Next.JS / tensorflow coco-ssd
A Gatsby based website which migrated from static bootstrap pages.
Tech stack: GatsbyJS
Grafana based hybrid mobile web app which combined native implementation of Android(Kotlin) and IOS(Swift) Webview Shell with html page through user integration.
Tech stack: Javascript bridge/Kotlin/Swift/Golang/Firebase Cloud Messaging
The first generation of inventory management application adopted in the Atlantic Area fishery indurstry.
Tech stack: ReactJS & Material-UI/Cordova/Golang & gin/MongoDB
Ultronele elearning system purely based on GatsbyJS framework
for more details click link below
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